Online platform to practice programming through programming exercises which asses skills in algorithms, logic, programming fundamentals, data structures, etc.
View a presentationCRUD application to manage the patients of the Odontological clinics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
Check it out on GithubApplication to make easier and agile taking record of the attendance of students enrolled in a course. Developed as a Rails API to be consumed by an Android Client.
Check it out on GithubSeafood market management application with authentication and realtime updates.
View it liveCheck it out on GithubTwitter like SPA built with React & Redux connected to a Firebase backend.
View it liveCheck it out on GithubReact SPA to view the most popular Github Repositories from different languages and to compare the popularity of two Github users.
View it liveCheck it out on GithubApplication to detect in real time the location of the gaze of a person and later move the cursor of the computer in the corresponding direction.
Check it out on GithubSimple PHP MVC framework & ORM built from scratch to learn how they work under the hood.
Check it out on Github